Current technical characteristics and future development trend of foundry industry in the era of green intelligent manufacturing
Add Time: 2021-10-25   |   Hits:142

Introduction: In China, casting production is increasing year by year, the casting industry is in the growth stage, has a good development prospect; In recent years, the overall economic environment in China has been improving, attracting large foreign foundry enterprises to increase their investment in China. On the one hand, it improves the overall level of China's foundry industry, on the other hand, it also increases the degree of competition in the domestic market.

Casting industry output continues to expand, but the current technical level is relatively backward, casting machinery automation level and mold precision, performance, compatibility, reliability level is still a gap than developed countries, many key parts, mold need to import.

Green casting is the mainstream trend in the future

First, the characteristics of automation technology in the casting industry

1. The degree of automation is very high: the casting industry automation system is a collection of multidisciplinary technology, including information technology, automation technology, computer technology, etc., in the design of the system will take into account many factors, will set up automatic diagnosis, automatic alarm and other safety functions. In the actual production, casting equipment will inevitably appear all kinds of faults, and the automatic system can quickly identify the type of faults, but also for some faults for automatic maintenance, so as to ensure the normal production activities. More importantly, once a safety failure occurs in the production process, the system can quickly identify and terminate production activities, playing a role in safety protection. In the production of casting, electronic information control system is used to control the whole process, effectively avoid equipment damage or safety accidents caused by human operation errors, greatly improve the safety of production.

2. Improve the quality of casting products: the precision of automatic equipment in the casting industry is high, and the large-scale and standardized production is achieved, and the system is very strong. Designers according to the actual production needs to design automatic control procedures, and then make the whole production process can be automated operation, effectively reduce the error caused by manual operation, so that the production of qualified rate of products to a higher level. In foundry enterprises, using the casting line automation system operation, product specifications, quality can be guaranteed, and the automated system also can real-time feedback for the product production quality and technical adjustments, can realize the monitoring the entire process, if quality problems occur, directly through an automated system to analyze the reasons, and make repair in a timely manner.

3. Change the form of labor, saving the cost of artificial foundry enterprises of traditional production mode is done by a lot of manpower, so the production mode of its efficiency is very low, and artificial production has a lot of uncertainty, difficult to ensuring high quality of the casting, and some mood swings between employees and employees can also affect the normal production. The use of casting industry automation technology, has transformed the production of casting, with high-tech technology to replace a large number of manual labor, only in the design stage of the automation system needs to consume a certain labor cost, in the production of only a small number of personnel can complete the entire production process, and some complex production links, Automatic casting equipment operation is more accurate and efficient than manual operation, but also can produce diversified products, so that products have strong market competitiveness, so as to create greater economic benefits for enterprises.

Second, green intelligent automation technology in the foundry industry will be the development trend in the future

Computer technology is developing rapidly. Network technology has been applied to various fields, providing great convenience for social production and life. And the network technology into the foundry industry automation technology, is also the future development trend. By using network technology, the whole process control and remote control of product production can be realized in casting industry, which is also conducive to scientific and efficient management. Production workshop technical staff also need not have been working in the production workshop to carry out the inspection tour, directly through the network information system of the angles of the surveillance video can observe the workshop production process, once found the problem, they can judge fault immediately, timely repair, will not affect the normal production, also reduce a lot of management personnel, reduce the human cost.

2. The future development trend of intelligent casting industry automation technology is oriented to the actual production needs of casting enterprises, helping them to achieve efficient and low-cost production, so as to obtain greater economic benefits. At present, intelligent technology is in a period of rapid development, various fields have begun to apply intelligent technology to serve people's production and life. In the development of automation technology in the casting industry in China, will use operations research, physiology, psychology and so on to achieve human-machine dialogue, automatic transformation and artificial intelligence simulation, many production links directly replace the traditional rely on human brain judgment, decision making mental work. At present, RIS chips, high frequency CPU and multi-core CPU are widely used in the control system of casting equipment. Then automation and intelligence are integrated, and the intelligent system issues instructions to achieve various work through the automation system.

Green economy is an important part of China's economic development and reform, which has been attached great importance in recent years. The pollution of traditional casting enterprises is large and the production efficiency is low, which can not meet the requirements of the current industry development. Therefore, the development of green casting industry automation technology is the industry requirements, but also an inevitable trend. On the path of green development, on the one hand, need to cast material to achieve innovation and development of new type of low carbon environmental protection material, on the other hand requires innovation casting production process, including product design, product packaging, product processing, product sales to realize green process, every link attaches great importance to product recycling, optimizing production processes, Environmental protection and pollution-free in product processing.

4. Integrates opto-mechatronics integrates light is the computer technology, microelectronics technology and optical technology to realize integration, so that you can cast higher value-added foundry products, in addition, optical integrated technology of light drive technology, sensor detecting technology, laser technology will promote the rapid development of automation technology in foundry industry, The industrial casting process is more efficient, the product quality is high, the function is diversified, and the production cost is saved.

In conclusion, with the strengthening of environmental protection law enforcement, the foundry industry began to pay attention to environmental protection technology, pay attention to casting dust treatment, sewage purification, waste sand and slag utilization, and develop a variety of casting environmental protection equipment. Such as vibration sand falling machine dust cover, mobile vacuum cleaner, dust purification device, sewage purification recycling system, guiye casting automatic cutting machine, guiye automatic grinding equipment, etc. At the same time, forward-looking entrepreneurs take the initiative to clean production technical reform and development of "green" casting products, and the implementation of international enterprise standards, can be seen to improve casting quality, the implementation of green casting is the development trend of the casting industry in the future.

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